Sr. Michelle comes monthly to Shung Tak to conduct morning assemblies. She usually tells us inspiring stories. This time of the year, she told us a romantic one.



Feb. 14th is Valentine's Day. It's similar to the "Lover's Day" in the Lunar Calendar.
As a child, we would give special cards to our friends and family, sometimes flowers sometimes candy. It was a day that we would show them how much we really cared for them. But, Love is not words or gifts. It's something more! Today I'd like to share with you a story of what "True Love" really is.


Grandfather of Felix Moses Mendelssohn was the grandfather of the famous German composer. He was an intelligent, and a gifted person, but not very good-looking. Besides being quite short of stature, he also had a hunchback.
One day, when he was doing business, he visited a merchant who had a beautiful daughter called Fanny. Moses fell hopelessly in love with her, but Fanny was repulsed by his handicap. Moses tried several times to talk to her but she looked down and barely responded to his questions. This greatly saddened Moses.
Before leaving, Moses tried once more. To him, Fanny was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He asked her this question: "Do you believe marriages are made in Heaven?"
"Yes. Do you?""Yes." she answered, still looking at the floor. "Do you?"
"Oh yes, I do" Moses replied. "You see in Heaven whenever a little boy is about to be born, God shows him the girl that he will marry. When I was born, I saw my future bride. But, she was very short and even had a hunchback. Right then I prayed, "Oh Lord, it would be a tragedy for a woman to be born like that. Please, Lord, give me the hunchback and make her beautiful!"
For the first time, Fanny looked into his eyes, and saw the great love he had for her. She reached out and took his hand, and later became his devoted wife. She had discovered True Love.


Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786) St. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians tells us what True Love is: "It's patient, kind, not jealous, conceited, or proud. It's not ill-mannered, selfish, and irritable, it doesn't keep a record of wrongs. It's happy with truth. Love never gives up its faith, hope and patience never fail. It's eternal!"


As followers of Jesus, we are called to Love. To love with our whole heart, our whole being, with a love that radiates throughout our lives. This is the True Love we a called to.

February 10, 2003