Study skills



Learning is a life-long process. Only with learning can a person breakthrough his present situation. Teachers should guide students how to learn. Our students cannot be fully equipped without knowing some learning ‘tips’. Here is a list of tips in five areas which help students study better. Bear in mind the difference between an S.1 student and a Sixth former. You may need to adopt a simpler or more aggressive, demanding approach as appropriate.
Do not expect students to do everything at once. They need to be constantly reminded of some of the important points, of building up their skills, of staying ahead of the others. The five areas are:
  1. Setting goals, short-term and long-term
  2. Managing task,  time   and   place
  3. Going to lessons
  4. Various skills
  5. Preparing for examination

Setting goals (RIPP)

Youngsters without goals tend to waste their time, become listless and make troubles. Teachers must help them set up goals. There are short-term and long-term goals. You may well call short-term goals ‘targets’, ‘tasks’; and long-term ones ‘life orientations’. Make a list of targets to be finished this week. It is extremely satisfying to cross out, one by one, finished items on the list of targets. Teachers may help your students by handing out the teaching syllabus or even your teaching schedule: when you would finish which topics. Some examples:
Long-term:to enter S.4 science class next year
Medium-term:to gain 55 marks or more in math, science subjects in Interim exam
Short-term:(this week)
  • revise pp.20-26 of Physics 2000
  • re-do exercises on pp.55-58, Mathematics Today
  • draw the labelled diagram on pg.32, Biology
  • recite chemical properties of halogens, pp. 41-42, Integrated Chemistry
Reward yourself after you’ve completed your task. Buy yourself a small gift, go to movies, spend some time with your friends etc.

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Managing task, time and place (PRESS)

In managing your tasks, there are 4 traps to avoid (TEDI):

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Some time-management tips: (930)

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Some place-management tips: (LMNO)

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Going to lessons

Before the lesson:
If students want to get more benefits out of their lessons, they have to prepare for their lessons as much as their teachers have to prepare their lessons. This includes:
During the lesson:
What students should do in any daily lesson:
After the lesson: