Personal Reflections

I inadvertently formatted my hard disk and lost all the reflections of the past 40 days in April. Though many friends send their sympathies and encouragement, I still feel that a part of me is irrevocably lost.
There is one good lesson to learn from this painful experience --- ALWAYS SAVE, SAVE AS MANY COPIES AS REASONABLE, and if possible, SAVE A COPY ON THE NET!
Now I could only gather the Sunday reflections which I sent to catholic friends on my mailing list. I am not sure whether I will be able to recover all the reflections since 2000. But at most, I can only collect one-seventh of all daily reflections in Lent. The following links point to what I have collected so far, thanks to many of you. May God bless you. And if you happen to retain emails from earlier times, please console me with your generosity.
May God's will be done! Amen.

Alex Kwok
10th June, 2004