Sr. Michelle came to share this touching story with us during the morning assembly on 9th December 2002.


It was a cold and rainy evening, and the young man was driving his old truck home and thinking about his family. Suddenly he saw an old lady standing by her car, on the edge of the road. It was a beautiful Mercedes, but, he realized something wasn't right and she needed help. So he stopped and got out.
He smiled, but he could see she was worried and afraid. She had waited more than an hour, but no one had stopped to help her. Now, here was this young man. He looked poor and hungry, and she wondered if he was safe.
"I'm here to help you ma'am. Why don't you wait in the car where it is warm? By the way, my name is Joe."
Well, it was only a flat tire, and Joe knew he could fix it. But, as he crawled under the car, he hurt his hand, and got quite dirty. When he was almost finished, she opened her window and began to talk to him. She lived in another state, and was just passing through on her way to visit friends. She was so grateful for his help, and offered to pay Joe for his time and help.
Joe never thought about the money. This was just a person in need that he could help. He knew that many times in the past, others had given him a helping hand. "If you really want to pay me," he said, "the next time you see someone in need, help them and think of me."
Joe waited until she drove off. Even though he was cold and wet, he felt good as he headed home.
A few miles down the road, the lady saw a small cafe. She stopped to have something to eat. The place was very simple, but at least it was clean and warm. There were very few people there. The waitress gave her a towel to wipe her hair and she had a sweet smile, even though she was tired and pregnant. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so kind and giving to a stranger, and then she remembered Joe.
She finished her meal, and gave the waitress a $100 dollars for the bill. And, when the waitress went to get the change, she quietly left. The waitress returned to the empty table, and wondered where the lady had gone. Then, she noticed something written on the napkin under which were four $100 bills!
Her eyes filled with tears as she read the note. "You don't owe me anything. I had someone help me when I was in need, just like you. If you want to pay me back, don't let the "Chain of Love" end with you. Let it continue!"
There was still a lot of work to do, and the waitress was very tired, but now there was a smile on her face, and a lightness of heart. How could that lady know how much they needed the money? The baby was due next month, and it was going to be hard for them. When she returned home, her husband was asleep. She knew how worried he had been. She gave him a soft kiss and said, "Everything will be all right, I love you Joe!" And the Chain of Love continued.

Last year, there was a movie in which the teacher challenged his students to think of ways they could make the world a better place. Some thought of inventions, some thought of things they could do. But there was one boy who came up with the idea. Instead of paying back someone who did you a favour, you would pay it forward and help three other people. If everyone tried to live by this rule bit by bit, it would be a happier, more peaceful, more loving world.
We'll soon be celebrating Christmas. Christ came into our world to bring us peace, blessings and happiness. The greatest gift we can give is to 'PAY FORWARD'. To share the Good News with others and to bring Peace on Earth and Good Will to All!
May you all have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!!! Keep the Chain of Love going!

9th December, 2002.